Company Profile


Scanpharm Birkerød

Scanpharm cares for health – around the world.

Scanpharm plays a role in the  in general improvement of health by supplementation. Scanpharm employs around 45 people on 2 sites in Denmark. Today, the Scanpharm products are marketed in more than 50 markets.

The most important of our own brands are:

Food Supplements :

  • Pregnatal® – for healthy pregnancy and lactation.
  • The Viminova® product range – for health of toddlers, children and adults, or for a specific need.
  • Healthcare® – Mega C-vitamin , Multi B- vitamin Kompleks, C-vitamin 90 mg


  • Dapson®
  • Mega C-1500®

Scanpharm’s other business areas:

  • Contract manufacturing
  • Contract packaging
  • Contract analyses

Scanpharm focuses on quality and on providing premium service level for our business partners around the world. Scanpharm has a global reach and acts as a truly international company.

Scanpharm operates in conformity with cGMP.  We are approved by the Danish Medicines Agency (Paragraph 39) and the Danish Veterinary and Food Administration to manufacture, pack and analyse pharmaceuticals and healthcare products. Scanpharm’s manufacturing sites and laboratories are subject to inspection by the two authorities.

Important milestones in Scanpharm’s history:

Birkroed station 1950's

Birkerød station near Scanpharm 1950’s

1951 Scanpharm was founded as the Danish agent for Schering AG, Berlin.

1956 Launch of Viminova®

1980 Launch of Pregnatal®

1985 Launch of Dapson Scanpharm®

1992 Scanpharm was acquired by the current owner and CEO Ole Bjørn Jensen and his wife Hanne

1995 Ferraton was acquired and integrated

1995 Scanpharm was selected as one of two suppliers to the WHO Leprosy Eradication Programme

1996 The factory and facilities of former Rhône-Poulenc Rorer in Birkerød, just north of Copenhagen was acquired

1998 Scanpharm was selected as sole supplier of medicines for the WHO Leprosy Eradication Programme.

2000 The pharmaceutical contract packing company Carepack ApS was acquired and integrated

2000 Awarded to one of Denmarks fastest growing manufacturers

2007 Manufacturing of tablets acquired from Dansk Farmaceutisk Industri A/S

2008 Acquisition and integration of UNIKEM A/S’s contract manufacturing and analysis laboratories.

2014 Acquisition of the drug- and food supplements marketed under the brand “HealthCare”

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